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Catering and Meal Menus

The Pontiac School District publishes the school breakfast and lunch menus for all schools using . Nutrislice is an interactive digital school menu service designed to give students, parents, staff, and the community an in-depth look at the meals proudly served at all Pontiac School District Schools.  Now you can view the menu, nutrition facts, carbohydrate counts, and allergy information.  Nutrislice is very easy to use and allows access to the information you want in seconds! Families using Nutrislice also have the option to view the menu in other languages.
If you have food allergies or need a special menu, please speak up!
Ask your cafeteria manager if changes were made to today's menu so we can help keep you
safe! If you require a special menu, please contact our office at 248-451.6800.  
Click here to view the Meal Menu for your child's school.



Get the App for Nutrislice!

We are proud to continue our partnership with Southwest Food Service & Chartwells K-12! With this partnership, comes access to Nutrislice, an interactive menu website and a free smartphone app. You can access your menus (including allergy and nutrition information) anywhere, anytime!

Click below to download the app today.